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White Claw vs. Find Wunder Review – A Fizzy Showdown

White Claw vs. Find Wunder Review

Millennials and Gen Zers are becoming less and less interested in traditional alcoholic drinks like beer and wine. Is it because they’re squares? No, it’s because there are other options these days, such as hard seltzers.

But these seltzers, like White Claw, can be just as bad as other alcoholic drinks. Cannabis beverages are the perfect alternative. If you’re not sure a THC drink could ever trump your White Claw, see how these two downtime beverages compare below.

The Flavor Battle

When it comes to flavor options, both White Claw and Find Wunder have mouthwatering options. However, they’re not exactly equal.

White Claw flavors are all about quantity, as they have a wealth of choices. The flavors include:

  • Black Cherry
  • Mango
  • Peach Watermelon
  • Natural Lime
  • Ruby Grapefruit
  • Tangerine
  • Passion Fruit
  • Lermon
  • Blackberry
  • Strawberry
  • Pineapple
  • Green Apple

These flavors are great, but they’re not particularly interesting or inventive. We’ve all seen these flavors a million times in our lives. If you want a simple flavor, go with White Claw. On the other hand, Find Wunder flavors are more sophisticated. We use intriguing flavor combinations and creative ingredients to give people flavors they’ll want to sip and savor over and over again.

Our beverage flavors include:

  • Watermelon Basil
  • Grapefruit Hibiscus
  • Blood Orange Bitters
  • Blackberry Lemon

With Find Wunder drinks, you get upscale flavor profiles that our team thoughtfully curated. We don’t phone it in with basic options like “lime,” because we want our drinks to be more fun than that! These intricate flavors are perfect for creating impressive cannabis mocktails that will wow all your friends.

Aside from the flavor options, people also say the taste and texture of Find Wunder are everything they could want. Our customers have raved about how refreshing and light our drinks are while still bursting with flavor.

They love how our drinks aren’t overwhelmingly sweet. White Claw flavors tend to be more subdued and often taste artificial.

Choosing Between Boozy and Buzzy

Would you rather be nauseous and dizzy or euphoric and relaxed? We think the answer here is obvious!

White Claw seltzers are 5% ABV, which is pretty high for such an easy-to-chug drink. For reference, Bud Light is closer to 4%, so if you think the seltzers are weak, you’d be mistaken (sorry).

Since seltzers taste lighter and sweeter than most beer, they’re easier to drink quickly, meaning you get intoxicated faster. And that’s how your day at the beach or night out can quickly spiral out of control.

Leave the blackouts and bad hangovers behind and switch to hemp-infused drinks that offer all the fun and none of the fuss. While being drunk can be enjoyable, it can also be unpleasant. But the high you get from our THC drinks is always delightful and gentle. We love seeing people take a sip or two and, within a few moments, feel that wave of relaxation.

Drinking with friends or while out is more about the ritual than the actual alcohol for many people. You can avoid the disorientation and sick feelings that come with alcohol while still sipping socially.

Whether your bing-drinking days are behind you or you’ve never been a fan of alcohol, switching to THC drinks means you can enjoy all the same settings without the awful effects of alcohol.

Counting Calories and Vitamins

People are always looking for low-calorie drinks so they can stop indulging in 300-calorie IPAs. And that’s one of the reasons White Claw has been so successful. They’re only 100 Calories per can, which is less than most beers, wines, and cocktails!

White Claws are an excellent beverage for those looking to cut down on calories — but Find Wunder is better.

A 12-ounce can of Find Wunder is a mere 50 calories. Switching from White Claw to Find Wunder cuts the calorie consumption in half, and that’s substantial.

Furthermore, we added a few extra goodies to our drinks, like vitamin C and potassium! You can get high while working toward your daily vitamin values. Does it get better than that?

The Best Beverage for Day Drinking

White Claw is a popular beverage choice for day drinking, whether by the pool, at the beach, or in the backyard.

Sipping red wine in the sunshine or downing a Guinness before 1 p.m. can be a bit much, so people like that White Claw is a lighter option. However, White Claw can cause:

  • Bloating
  • Stomachaches
  • Gassiness
  • Heartburn
  • Flushed face
  • Frequent bathroom trips
  • Dehydration

None of those things sounds good if you’re trying to unwind in a lounge chair.

Find Wunder beverages are gently carbonated, meaning they don’t have huge bubbles that fill your stomach up with gas. Instead, you can easily sip on the small bubbles that won’t make you bloat. The mild carbonation is many of our customers’ favorite aspects, as over-carbonated drinks can cause discomfort.

We asked a customer what they liked about Find Wunder, and she responded by saying, “I definitely think it makes me happy.” So get Find Wunder, and get happy!

With Find Wunder, you can still enjoy your day drinking sessions without the 5 p.m. hangover or any hangover at all! And it’s a great way for teetotalers, California sober people, and cannabis lovers to participate in day drinking.

You Can’t Beat Carbonated Cannabis

When we were all stuck with beer, alcoholic seltzers saved us from the high-calorie counts and heavy feelings. But now, cannabis drinks are here to revolutionize how people have a good time and relax again.

White Claw had a great run, but THC drinks are taking over, as people are done with the hangovers and harmful health effects. And we’re not the only THC drink brand around. BREZ and Cann are both options, but when it comes to a happy high and delicious flavor, Find Wunder is the best.

Try the Find Wunder 5mg THC Sessions or 10mg THC Higher Vibes, and you’ll never pick up a White Claw again.