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What Is L-Theanine?


When you’re shopping around for a new THC beverage, you’ll find options with all sorts of extra ingredients to boost the effects. L-theanine is one of the most common natural compounds added to both relaxing and energizing drinks. The name might sound intimidating, but it’s something you’ve likely ingested before without even realizing it. Learn all about L-theanine and the role it can play in helping you enjoy your favorite drinks.

What Is L-Theanine?

L-theanine is an amino acid. It naturally occurs in black and green tea. Some mushrooms also contain measurable amounts of it as well. If you’ve ever drank a cup of tea, you’ve already felt its effects. Most people would consider it perfectly fine to enjoy while following a California Sober lifestyle since it’s a naturally derived compound like THC.

What Does Taking L-Theanine Do?

There are many potential benefits of L-theanine, but the exact effects vary. You’ll need to take a small dose of it to see what effects you personally experience. Some of the most commonly reported effects include:

  • Improvement in cognition and memory
  • A deeper sense of relaxation
  • An easier time falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Potential decreases in blood pressure and boosts to the immune system.

Who Should Not Take L-Theanine?

Since this compound can affect blood pressure, you may not want to take it if you already have very low pressure. The same is true if you have an immune system disorder and take medication to control it. Some people find L-theanine-infused drinks to be stimulating rather than relaxing. If this is true for you, simply enjoy drinks like Find Wunder earlier in the day instead of right before bed. You can always discuss your interest in using L-theanine with your doctor to find out if it’s safe for you.

Where Does L-Theanine Come From?

While there are plenty of natural sources of this amino acid, they usually supply a very small amount of it at once. Most people enjoy it as part of their favorite energy drinks or relaxing hemp-infused drinks instead.

Is It Safe to Take L-Theanine Every Day?

Drinking cannabis beverages with this amino acid in it shouldn’t cause any negative effects in the long run, even if you enjoy them every day. You should avoid it if you have a bad reaction at any point, but there are no long-term concerns about using it every day. The key is using a moderate amount of the compound. Find Wunder drinks contain only a small amount of L-theanine per can, a fraction of the amount regularly recommended as a dietary supplement. You’ll feel the effects without having to worry about any potential long-term effects.

Is L-Theanine for Energy or Sleep?

It all depends on your personal reaction. For most people, taking L-theanine without caffeine or other stimulants leads to a deeply relaxing experience. Some people take it to improve their sleep. For others, L-theanine provides more of a stimulating effect. When it’s combined with caffeine, it’s known to boost attention and focus. There is no caffeine in Find Wunder cannabis mocktails, so you’re likely to get a relaxing effect that helps you unwind and fall asleep with ease.

Enjoy the Effects of L-Theanine with Find Wunder Drinks

If you’re interested in how L-theanine could improve your experience with THC and CBD products, Find Wunder is your best option. Choosing a cannabis drink that fits your lifestyle means looking at more than just the milligrams of active ingredients. You also need to consider the calorie count and sugar content to ensure it doesn’t affect your dietary goals. Low-sugar drinks are also easier for people with diabetes to enjoy without throwing their insulin out of balance. Also, don’t forget about the THC content, which works with the L-theanine to provide the calming experience you want.

Getting into the world of natural compounds can help you avoid the negative effects of alcohol without completely giving up on the experience of enjoying an altered state. Cannabis drinks enriched with the calming effects of L-theanine can help you release stress and stay away from beer and other drinks. Order a sampler pack of Find Wunder today to see if this combination is right for you.